Three teachers from Yewdale Primary School have successfully completed the Outstanding Teacher Intervention (OTI) programme.

Claire Hodgson, Susan Ingledow and Kate Mains worked with The Osiris Teaching Intervention, a school-based professional learning programme for teachers, which accelerates the quality of learning and teaching by ensuring immediate and sustained changes in classroom practice.

OTI builds on what is already working well, and helps individual teachers identify their next steps towards increasing their impact in the classroom by combining the latest research, instructional coaching, deliberate practice, video work and reflection.

Claire commented, “Although the idea of being filmed was daunting to begin with, once I had done it I saw the benefits. The power of being able to watch yourself teach was amazing, I didn’t realise I talked so much! I have taken away an array of fantastic ideas that promote positive learning behaviour in class.”

Susan agreed, adding “I enjoyed being able to learn some creative ideas that I could use in the classroom that don’t add to my workload, including reflecting on practice and sharing what works/doesn’t work with everyone who was involved in the process.”

Kate summed up, “I have learned to be brave with my teaching and take risks, along with telling the children that it is OK to make mistakes.”

Congratulations to you all on successfully completing this programme.