Newsletter – Friday 17th November 2023
Please read our latest newsletter here Newsletter 171123
Please read our latest newsletter here Newsletter 171123
Please read our latest newsletter here Newsletter 101123
Please find our latest newsletter here Newsletter 031123
Please find our latest newsletter here. Happy Half-Term! 201023
Three teachers from Yewdale Primary School have successfully completed the Outstanding Teacher Intervention (OTI) programme. Claire Hodgson, Susan Ingledow and Kate Mains worked with The Osiris Teaching Intervention, a school-based professional learning programme for teachers, which accelerates the quality of learning and teaching by ensuring immediate and sustained changes in classroom practice. OTI builds on what…
Please find attached our latest newsletter. 131023
Please see attached our latest newsletter. 061023
Please see attached our latest newsletter. Newsletter 290923
If you are thinking of joining us from September 2024 please come along and take a look around our fantastic facilities on one of our open days. Tuesday 10th October – 3.30pm Saturday 18th November – 10am – 2pm Wednesday 6th December – 3.30pm We look forward to welcoming you to Yewdale Primary School Please…
Please see attached our latest newsletter. Newsletter 220923